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JNEC Y-Peer was established with aim to empower young college students and provide resources and platforms to define their own future and bring about positive and sustainable change in their own lives.
The objectives of Y-Peer Club are:

  • To enable youth in meaningful participation in decision making.
  • To address substance abuse, mental health issues, overall health and provide basic counseling
  • To facilitate discussions on creation and maintenance of personal wellness and related life-skills.
  • To facilitate in developing self-awareness through yoga and mindfulness, as well as peer education programs.
  • To conduct interactive education program on stress, time management and coping skills for the students as a part of co-curricular activities.
  • To conduct advocacy on healthy relationships, depression, suicide prevention, family problems, healthy sexuality and, pregnancy through abstinence and contraceptive use.
  • To empower young people to resist the pressure to engage in sexual activity and general female/male health issues, in relationships and reproductive health.