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The President of the College, Dr. Andu Dukpa, welcomed four new faculty by offering Tashi Khadar on 19th November, 2020.

Ms. Eshori Kumari Adhikari who has a B. A. English and Media Studies with Honours in English from Sherubtse College will serve as Asst. Lecturer in Department of Humanities and Management while  Mr. Sangay Phuntsho, Ms. Sanjana Pokhrel and Ms. Ugyen Choden who has a B.E. in Civil Engineering from College of Science and Technology will serve as Asst. Lecturer in Department of Civil Engineering and Surveying.

Jigme Namgyel Engineering College would like to congratulate and welcome the four new faculty into the JNEC family and hope that they will serve with utmost dedication and professionalism to achieve the College’s as well as the University’s vision.

We wish them all the best!