JNEC currently offers eight Diploma in Engineering programmes. In the past, all programmes had a component on On-The-Job-Training (OJT) of 42 days. Over the years, the college had realised that OJT was not effective and it did not result in enhancement of students’ skills. One of the main reasons for its ineffectiveness was short duration of OJT. Due to which the employers/agencies were not able to assign tasks to the students. And to those who were assigned tasks, students did not take it seriously due to lack of supervision and monitoring from the college.
During the recent major review of the programmes, both the faculty and the review panels approved college’s proposal to increase the duration of the OJT to six months and renamed it as Industrial Attachment (IDA). The objective of IDA is to gain experience in the real work environment and be to apply knowledge and skills gained in the classroom.
To ensure success of the proposed IDA and make students job ready before they graduate, the President signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Construction Development Corporation Ltd (CDCL), National Housing Development Corporation Ltd (NHDCL), and Inno Tech on 13th March. The signing of MoU marks a significant milestone in the collaboration between JNEC and above stakeholders. The area of cooperation under this MoU between the parties include the following:
- Facilitation of industrial experience Guest Lectures from the stakeholders
- Field attachment of JNEC staff.
- Facilitate Industrial Attachment of students for 5-6 months.
- Facilitate short-term/part-time training of staff of CDCL/NHDCL at JNEC.
- Facilitate and jointly initiate STEM Education access at the grassroots,
- Carry out joint research on niche areas relevant to the parties.
JNEC had also signed MoU with Vajra Builders Pvt Ltd. And Rigsar Construction Pvt Ltd in 2023.


MOU-IDA-with DHI InnoTech