Jigme Namgyel Engineering College would like to invite eligible bidder to participate in the tender to supply equipment. The tender documents for various equipment can be downloaded from the link below: Supply of CCTV Cameras(RGoB) Supply of Civil and Surveying...
Tender for resurfacing of internal road of the college
Jigme Namgyel Engineering College would like to invite eligible contractors to participate in the tender for resurfacing of internal road of the College. The tender document can be downloaded from the link here. The last date for submission of the tender is on 18th...
Tender for Major Renovation of Infrastructure
Jigme Namgyel Engineering College would like to invite eligible contractors to participate in the tender for Major Renovation of Infrastructure at JNEC. The tender document can be downloaded from the link here. The last date for submission of the tender is on 18th...
Vacancy Announcement
Jigme Namgyel Engineering College, Dewathang under the Royal University of Bhutan is pleased to announce the following vacancies: Sl. No. Job Title Position Level/Grade Qualification No. of Slots Remarks 1 Personal Assistant 13 Cl. XII with 3 m onths IT...
Auction Notification
Jigme Namgyel Engineering College, Dewathang, Royal University of Bhutan announces the sale of the following obsolete items though public auction at JNEC through sealed bid quotation on 26th October 2017 in the conference hall at 1:30 PM. The bidders are requested to...
Supply of Lecture Theater Furniture
Jigme Namgyel Engineering College would like to invite bidders to participate in the tender to supply furniture for Lecture Theater. The tender document can be downloaded from Here - Tender document for the supply of Lecture Theater Furniture For further information...
Time Extension For Submission Of Bid
This is to inform our prospective bidders that, the college would like to extend the bid submission deadline for the Supply of Lighting Laboratory Equipment vide Tender No. JNEC/ELNAB-Lightening Laboratory Equipment/August 2017/ to 20th Sept. 2017 at 9:30 AM. The...
Tender For Supply of Lighting Laboratory Equipment
Jigme Namgyel Engineering College is please to announce the tender for the supply of Lighting Laboratory equipment. Suppliers who wish to participate may find the tender document here for download. For further information, please contact Procurement Officer, JNEC at...
Selected Candidate List
Jigme Namgyel Engineering College is please to announce the results of the job interview held on 1st July. Following are the list of candidates selected for various posts. Sl. No. CID No. Remarks Mason 1 11216000911 Selected Carpenter 1 11306001320 Selected...
Shortlisted candidates for various position
All shortlisted candidates are requested to report to the Administrative Section at 8:30 AM on 1st July 2017 with original documents to attend viva-voce selection interview. For further information please call the Asst. Adm Officer at 07-260302 during office hours....