Jigme Namgyel Engineering College, Dewathang would like to invite interested bidders to participate in the tender for Supply of Laboratory Equipment: The bidding documents can be downloaded from the following link: SBD for Supply of Electrical and Electronics...
Job Vacancy – 4Feb2021
Jigme Namgyel Engineering College, Dewathang is pleased to announce the following vacancies: Sl. No. Position Title Position Level Minimum Qualification Employment Type No. of Slots Position Profile 1 Lecturer / Associate Lecturer / Assistant Lecturer 4/5/6 B. E. / B....
Reporting Dates for Repeat Students
Jigme Namgyel Engineering College would like to notify all the Repeat Students who would be repeating this coming semester, to report to the college on 31st January – 2nd February, 2021. Depending on the pandemic situation, you might require to stay in quarantine...
Following the recent directive from the Royal Government of Bhutan, JNEC is pleased to notify all students that the college will open for Autumn Semester 2020. For the safety and well-being of all students, staff and the greater community amidst the current pandemic,...
College Re-open Notification
In pursuance to the notification from the Office of the Hon’ble Prime Minister, Jigme Namgyel Engineering College will re-open for face-to-face teaching and learning from July 1, 2020 for Final Year students (Degree & Diploma). For the rest of the students, online...
Selection Interview Results
Results of the Selection Interview held on 12th February 2020 for the post of Cooks (03 slots) and Security Guards (02 Slots): CID No. Aggregate Score (%) Remarks Cook 10601002582 72.4% Selected 11107004797 69.1 % Selected 11107006000 62.7%...
Candidates Shortlisted for the post of Security Guard & Cook
Shortlisted candidates for the post of Security Guard (02 Slots) Sl. No. CID No.Remarks 111107005949Shortlisted210310000080Shortlisted Shortlisted Candidates for the Post of Cook (03 Slots) Sl. No. CID...
Vacancy Announcement -17/01/2020
Jigme Namgyel Engineering College, Dewathang is pleased to announce the following vacancies: Sl. No.Position TitlePosition LevelQualificationEmployment TypeNo. of SlotsSalaryRemarks1Security GuardGSSN/A Fixed Term 02 Basic...
Auction Notice
Jigme Namgyel Engineering College, Dewathang, Royal University of Bhutan announces the sale of the following vehicle though public auction at JNEC through sealed bid quotation on 12th December 2019 in the conference hall at 10:30 AM. The bidders are requested to...
Tender For Major Renovation
Jigme Namgyel Engineering College would like to invite sealed bids from eligible contractors holding valid and Construction DevelopmentBoard License for major renovation work (small). Please download the tender document from this linkDownload For further information...