Jigme Namgyel Engineering College (JNEC), Dewathang is pleased to announce the availability of vacant seats in both Diploma & Degree programmes offered at JNEC for the academic year 2021 – 2022. Jigme Namgyel Engineering College would like to announce that there...
Vacancy Announcement – 02-July-2021
Jigme Namgyel Engineering College, Dewathang is pleased to announce the following vacancies: Sl. No. Position Title Position Level Minimum Qualification Employment Type No. of Slots Position Profile 1 Lecturer / Associate Lecturer / Assistant Lecturer 4/5/6 B. E. / B....
Limited Tender for Supply of Projectors
Jigme Namgyel Engineering College would like to once again invite eligible bidders to participate in the limited tender for the supply of Projectors. The bidding document can be downloaded from the link below. SBD for Limited Tender for the Supply of Projectors
JNEC Graduates Available for Employement/Internship/On the Job Training (OJT)/Survey Camp
Jigme Namgyel Engineering College is pleased to announce the availability of final year Bachelors and Diploma graduates for immediate internship/On the Job Training (OJT)/Survey Camp for a period of one month from June 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021 . The details of these...
Results of the Selection Interview for Laboratory Technicians
Results of the Selection Interview for Laboratory Technicians held on 31st March, 2021: Sl. No. CID No. Field Remarks 1 11106000480 Electronics and Communication Engineering Selected 2 11107006885 Electronics and Communication Engineering Standby Sl. No. CID No....
Shortlisting of candidates for various vacancies – 26-03-2021
Shortlisting of candidates for various vacancies announced for JNEC, Dewathang: Shortlisted candidates for Laboratory Technician (ECE) Sl. No. CID. No. Aggregate % Remarks 1 11216002650 67.94 Shortlisted 2 11106000480 66.60 Shortlisted 3 11914002284 66.42 Shortlisted...
Results of the Selection Interview for Academic Positions
Results of the Selection Interview for Academic Positions held on 19th March, 2021: Information Technology Lecturer Sl. No. CID. No. Field Remarks 1 12001003328 Information Technology Selected 2 10708001349 Information Technology Standby Dzongkha Lecturer Sl....
In-service Candidates Selected for 2021 Cohort
Jigme Namgyel Engineering College would like to congratulate the following In-service candidates for getting through the Entrance Exam. Sl. No. CID No. Programme 1 11502002918 B.E. in Mechanical Engineering 2 10203004903 B.E. in Surveying and Geo-informatics 3...
Online viva-voce interview schedule for various vacancies
Online viva-voce interview schedule for various vacancies on 19th March 2021 Lecturer in Information Technology Sl. No. CID. No. Time 1 10708001349 9:00 AM 2 10603001977 9:45 AM 3 12001003328 10:30 AM 4 11504001946 11:15 AM Lecturer in Dzongkha Sl. No. CID. No. Time...
Shortlisting of candidates for various vacancies announced-12/03/2021
Shortlisting of candidates for various vacancies announced for JNEC, Dewathang: Shortlisted Candidates for Information Technology Lecturer Sl. No. CID. No. Aggregate % Remarks 1 10708001349 69.57 Shortlisted 2 10603001977 68.84 Shortlisted 3 12001003328 68.19...