Shortlisted candidates for Supply Chain Adjunct Faculty (01 slot) Sl. No. CID No. Aggregate (%) 1 11308000638 73.21 2 10905002738 72.59 3 11512002147 70.98 4 10807002259 69.64 5 10103001129 69.42 Shortlisted candidates for Finance Adjunct Faculty (01 Slot) Sl. No. CID...
Results of the Selection Interview for Academic Positions -09-08-2021
Results of the Selection Interview for Academic Positions held on 9th August, 2021: Adjunct Faculty for Electrical Engineering (01 Slot) Sl. No. CID No. Field Remarks 1 10601000807 Electrical Engineering Selected 2 11505001693 Electrical Engineering Standby Adjunct...
Shortlisting of candidates for Adjunct Faculty 07-08-2021
Shortlisted candidates for Electrical Engineering Adjunct Faculty (01 slot) Sl. No. CID No. Aggregate (%) Remarks 1 10601000807 78.89 2 11801002744 78.44 3 10702000635 76.27 4 11505001693 73.50 5 11214002888 71.09 Shortlisted candidates for Engineering Mathematics...
Result of the Selection Interview for Academic Positions (Surveying)
Result of the Selection Interview for Academic Positions (Surveying) held on 6th August, 2021: Sl. No. CID No. Field Remarks 1 10807001742 Surveying Selected 2 11315001342 Surveying Selected 3 10710001417 Surveying Selected 4 12002001280 Surveying Selected 5...
Result of the Selection Interview for Academic Positions (Computer Science)
Result of the Selection Interview for Academic Positions (Computer Science) held on 5th August, 2021: Sl. No. CID No. Field Remarks 1 11410002190 Computer Science Selected 2 11306000902 Computer Science Selected 3 11514000987 Computer Science Standby Candidates on...
Shortlisted candidates for Adjunct Faculties
Shortlisted candidates for Computer Science Adjunct Faculty (02 Slots) Sl. No. CID No. Aggregate (%) Remarks 1 11601000957 79.05 2 11308000948 74.52 3 11306000902 73.26 4 11514000987 70.32 5 11102004078 69.04 6 11410002190 68.96 7 11006001588 68.27 8...
Tender Announcement – 08-02-2021
The Jigme Namgyel Engineering College, Dewathang would like to invite interested bidders to participate in the tender for the Supply of PBL Project Equipment: The bidding documents can be downloaded from the following link: SBD for Supply of PBL Project Equipment Last...
Admission into Diploma & B.E. Programmes at JNEC for Self-Financed Candidates
Jigme Namgyel Engineering College (JNEC), Dewathang is pleased to announce the availability of vacant seats in both Diploma & Degree programmes offered at JNEC for the academic year 2021 – 2022. Jigme Namgyel Engineering College would like to announce that there...
Vacancy Announcement – 02-July-2021
Jigme Namgyel Engineering College, Dewathang is pleased to announce the following vacancies: Sl. No. Position Title Position Level Minimum Qualification Employment Type No. of Slots Position Profile 1 Lecturer / Associate Lecturer / Assistant Lecturer 4/5/6 B. E. / B....
Limited Tender for Supply of Projectors
Jigme Namgyel Engineering College would like to once again invite eligible bidders to participate in the limited tender for the supply of Projectors. The bidding document can be downloaded from the link below. SBD for Limited Tender for the Supply of Projectors