Result of the Selection Interview for Incubation Manager held on 26th May 2023: Sl. No. CID No. Remarks 1 10205009130 Selected 2 11508001033 Standby Candidate on standby will be contacted only if the selected candidate withdraws from joining the college. For further...
Shortlisted candidates for Incubation Manager (01 Slot)
Sl. No. CID No. Aggregate % 1 10205009130 69.51 2 11504001980 67.96 3 11508001033 65.23 4 11510005474 63.96 Shortlisting Criteria: Eligibility criteria: Minimum aggregate of 60% each in Class X (English + best 4 subjects) and Class XII (English + best 3...
Admission into Diploma & B.E in Mechanical Engineering Programme at JNEC for In-service Candidates – 2023
Admission into Diploma Programme at JNEC for In-service Candidates Jigme Namgyel Engineering College (JNEC), Dewathang is pleased to invite applications from: Interested in-service candidates (VTI/ RTI/TTI graduates) for 2023 admission into Diploma Programmes in...
Graduates Information – 2022
Total of 253 (tentative as of 13th June 2022) students will graduate in eight programs as under in June 2022 from Jigme Namgyel Engineering College, Dewathang. We would like to inform our valued stakeholders that the college would be happy to facilitate the campus...
Shortlisted Candidate for Mechanical Engineering Lecturer (Fixed-Term)
Shortlisted Candidate for Mechanical Engineering Lecturer (Fixed-Term) Sl. No. CID No. Aggregate % Remarks 1 12001002467 69.79 Shortlisted Shortlisting Criteria: Candidates must meet the benchmark score: Minimum aggregate of 60% each in Class X (English + best 4) and...
Reporting Date Notice
The college would like to notify all the Students that the reporting date to the college has been postponed to 24-25 February. However, please note that the SS2022 classes will start in ONLINE mode from 7th February. If there are any changes in the reporting dates,...
Call for Paper for Volume-II, Issue-I (June 2022) of Journal of Applied Engineering, Technology and Management (JAETM)
Coinciding with the celebration of the 13th Coronation Anniversary of His Majesty The Druk Gyelpo, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck on 1st November 2021, the Jigme Namgyel Engineering College has launched its only open access double-blinded peer-reviewed journal with...
Bid Extension Notice
The date for submission of bids against tender No. JNEC/PBL-SouthAsia/2021-2022/August for the Supply of PBL Project Equipment dated 2nd July 2021 scheduled for opening on 31st August 2021 is hereby extended up to 10:00 AM of 21st September 2021 and shall be opened on...
Results of the Selection Interview for Academic Position held on 31st August, 2021
Results of the Selection Interview for Academic Position held on 31st August, 2021: Adjunct Faculty for Civil Engineering (01 Slot) Sl. No. CID No. Remarks 1 11514001517 Selected 2 11212000588 Standby Candidates on standby will be contacted only if the selected...
Shortlisting of candidates for Adjunct Faculty 29/08/2021
Shortlisted candidates for ECE Adjunct Faculty Sl. No. CID No. Aggregate (%) 1 10905001700 77.37 2 11212000588 76.05 3 11514001517 75.87 4 11111000279 75.20 5 11606001491 74.78 Shortlisting Criteria: Candidates must meet the benchmark score: Minimum aggregate of 60%...