A total of 292 Diploma Students are expected to graduate by 30th June 2017 from Jigme Namgyel Engineering College, Dewathang. They will be available for employment soon after their graduation. The number of students expected to graduate in each programme is as...
Payment of fees at the time of registration
Information to students for payment of fees at the time of registration. All the self-financed and module repeating students are required to pay all the payable fees in DEMAND DRAFT payable to JIGME NAMGYEL ENGINEERING COLLEGE, Dewathang at the time of registration....
Vacancy Announcement
Jigme Namgyel Engineering College, Dewathang under the Royal University of Bhutan is pleased to announce the following vacancies for immediate recruitment: Sl. No. Job Title Position Level/Grade Qualification No. of Slots Remarks 1 Personal Assistant III 13 Minimum...
Result of the Entrance Test conducted on 4/3/2017 for In-service Candidates
Diploma in Electrical Engineering Sl. No Name CID No. Registration No. Rank Remarks 1 TSHERING 11503003087 2001/2017 2 Selected 2 TSHERING WANGDI 12001000889 2002/2017 3 Selected 3 PHUB DORJI 11906001399 2003/2017...
Awareness Raising Seminar on Promotion of Energy Efficient Lighting Education in Nepal and Bhutan (ELNAB)
Jigme Namgyel Engineering College, Royal University of Bhutan is one of the recipients of a European Union Grant (Erasmus +) for a project titled “Promotion of Energy Efficient Lighting Education in Nepal and Bhutan (ELNAB)”. The project is coordinated by Aalto...
Notice for Reassessment Exam
This is to inform all the concerned trainees who have reassessment to register for reassessment exam on or before 2nd February 2017. If you fail to register you may not be allowed to sit for the exam. For further information please contact, Mr. Bikram Chhetri,...
Result for Selection Interview for the Post of Jr. Instructor
Jigme Namgyel Engineering College is please to announce the selection interview result for the post of Jr. Instructor. Candidate with CID no. 20309000268 is selected for the mentioned post. For further information please contact HR Section.
Invitation To Participate In The 3rd JNEC Open Football Tournament – 2017
Jigme Namgyel Engineering College is pleased to inform you that the popular annual football tournament, JNEC Open Football Tournament will be organized from 21st Feb., 2017 to commemorate the 37th Birth Anniversary of His Majesty the King...
Announcement of Tender for the Operation of College Cafeteria
Jigme Namgyel Engineering College would like to invite eligible bidders to bid for the tender for the Operation of College Cafeteria. The tender document can be downloaded from HERE.
Reassessment Information
This is to inform all the concerned students to take note of the reassessment schedule and prepare accordingly. The schedule is as follows: Registration for reassessment - 2nd February 2017 Reassessment is on 3rd,4th and 6th February 2017 For more details please...