Shortlisted Candidates after Written Examination Shortlisted candidates for the post of Assistant Finance Officer (01 Slot) Sl. No. CID No. Written exam marks 1 11510001269 71 2 11009000673 68.5 3 10703002500 66 4 11508003557 62.5 5 10805000058 62.5 ...
Selection Result for KOKUSEN Scholarship
Selection Result for KOKUSEN Scholarship, Japan Sl. No Applicant Name Remarks 1 Tshering Tobgay Nominated 2 Rinchen Namgyay Standby
Shortlisted Candidates for Written Examination
Shortlisted Candidates for Written Examination Assistant Finance Officer Sl. No. CID No. Aggregate % 1 11009000673 68.76 2 10703002500 67 3 11510001269 71.02 4 10805001134 68.3 5 11511001119 68.38 6 11508003557 69.87 7 10805000058 69.16 Assistant Student...
Result of the Selection Interview for Laboratory Technician (ECE)
Result of the Selection Interview for Laboratory Technician (ECE) held on 28th July 2023: Sl. No. CID No. Remarks 1 11201000293 Selected 2 11212005137 Standby Candidate on standby will be contacted only if the selected candidate withdraws from joining the college. For...
Interview Result for Associate Instructor and Store Manager
Results of the Selection Interview for Associate Instructor held on 27th July 2023: Sl. No. CID No. Remarks 1 11510004099 Selected 2 11102003209 Standby Results of the Selection Interview for Store Manager held on 27th July 2023: Sl. No. CID No. Remarks 1 10904003724...
Candidates Shortlisted for Various Post – 2023
Shortlisted candidates for the post of Associate Instructor (IT) (01 Slot) Sl. No. CID No. Aggregate % 1 11603006478 74.42 2 11510004099 73.66 3 11102003209 70.58 4 11505001145 68.52 5 11103000385 63.41 Shortlisted candidates for the post of Store Manager (01 Slot)...
Vacancy Announcement – 30-June-2023
Jigme Namgyel Engineering College, Dewathang is pleased to announce the following vacancies: Sl. No. Position Title Position Level Qualification Employment Type No. of Slots Remarks Position Profile 1 Assistant Finance Officer 8 BBA / B. Com (Finance) Regular 01 Click...
Result of the Selection Interview for Incubation Manager
Result of the Selection Interview for Incubation Manager held on 26th May 2023: Sl. No. CID No. Remarks 1 10205009130 Selected 2 11508001033 Standby Candidate on standby will be contacted only if the selected candidate withdraws from joining the college. For further...
Shortlisted candidates for Incubation Manager (01 Slot)
Sl. No. CID No. Aggregate % 1 10205009130 69.51 2 11504001980 67.96 3 11508001033 65.23 4 11510005474 63.96 Shortlisting Criteria: Eligibility criteria: Minimum aggregate of 60% each in Class X (English + best 4 subjects) and Class XII (English + best 3...
Vacancy Announcement for Engineering Incubation Manager
Jigme Namgyel Engineering College (RUB) is pleased to announce the following vacancy: Sl. No. Position Title Position Level Qualification Employment Type No. of Slots Position Profile 1 Engineering Incubation Manager 6/7/8 Bachelor of Business Administration /...