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JNEC Welcomes Two New Staff

JNEC Welcomes Two New Staff

Jigme Namgyel Engineering College (JNEC) would like to congratulate and welcome our two new staff into the JNEC family. On 15th April 2021, the Acting President of the College, Asst. Professor Mr. Karma Drukpa welcomed them by offering Tashi Khadar. Mr. Sonam Darjee...

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Another New Faculty Joins JNEC

Another New Faculty Joins JNEC

The Acting President of the College, Asst. Professor Mr. Karma Drukpa welcomed Mr. Rigden Yoezer Tenzin by offering Tashi Khadar on 3rd April, 2021. Mr. Rigden Yoezer Tenzin, who has a B.E. in Civil Engineering from College of Science and Technology (CST), Rinchending...

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JNEC Welcomes One New Faculty

JNEC Welcomes One New Faculty

The Officiating President of the College, Asst. Professor Mr. Karma Drukpa welcomed Mr. Tashi Penjor by offering Tashi Khadar. Mr. Tashi Penjor, who has a BA in History and Dzongkha from Shedubtse College will serve as Asst. Lecturer in Department of Humanities and...

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