The Jigme Namgyel Engineering College, Dewathang under the Royal University of Bhutan is pleased to announce the following vacancies: Sl. No. Position Title Position Level Qualification Employment Type Position Profile No. of Slots 1 Site Supervising Engineer PL-7...
Selection Result for the post of Store In-charge
Results of the Selection Interview held on 23rd December 2024 for the post of Store In-charge, Jigme Namgyel Engineering College, Dewathang. Sl. No. CID. No. Remarks 1 10904003724 Selected For further inquiries, please get in touch with us at 07-260302 during office...
Announcement of Shortlisted Candidates for the Post of Store In-charge
Jigme Namgyel Engineering College, Dewathang is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for viva-voce for the post of Store In-charge: Sl. No. CID No. Aggregate% Remarks 1 10904003724 69.93% Shortlisted 2 10205009120 68.30% Shortlisted 3 11214003893...
Vacancy Announcement for the post of Store In-Charge
The Jigme Namgyel Engineering College, Dewathang under the Royal University of Bhutan is pleased to announce the following vacancy: Position Title : Store In-Charge Postion Level : PL 10 Type of Appointment : Regular...
Selection Interview (Viva -Voce) for Site Supervising Engineer
The following candidates have been shortlisted for selection interview (Viva Voce) based on the written examination conducted on 20th September 2024. CID Aggregate% 1 11308001899 52% Note: Candidate have been shortlisted based on the merit of marks...
Shortlisted Candidates for Written Examination
Site Supervising Engineer Sl. No. CID No. Aggregate % 1 11308001899 70.87% Shortlisting Criteria: Candidates must have a minimum aggregate of 60% each in Class X (English + best 4 subject) and Class XII (English + best 3 subjects), 55% in...
4 New Staff Joins JNEC
Congratulations on being selected to serve at Jigme Namgyel Engineering College. We trust that you will contribute with utmost dedication and professionalism to realize both the College's and the University's vision. Tashi Delek & Best Wishes.
Selection Result for the post of Laboratory Technician
Announcement for the selected candidates for the laboratory technician Sl. No CID No Average Score Remarks 1 11608000781 74.5 Selected 2 11106005132 72.2 Standby The selected candidates will be contacted personally regarding the reporting dates to the college. For any...
Interview Result Announcement for Selected Candidates
Announcement for the selected candidates for the various administrative and technical position Asst. ICT Officer Sl. No CID No Average Score Remarks 1 11108002337 64.8 Selected Asst. Librarian Sl no CID no Average Score Remarks 1 10905002644 72.6 Selected The...
Happy 116th National Day!
Jigme Namgyel Engineering College joins the Nation in Celebrating the 116th National Day of Bhutan. We offer our solemn prayers for continued peach and prosperity in the country under the benevolent leadership of His Majesty the King. PELDEN DRUKPA LHA GYALO!