On 14th February, the Director, Department of Surveying and Mapping, National Land Commission Secretariat (NLCS) visited the College to provide first-hand experience on infrastructure related to Surveying programme and discuss on continued support and collaboration between the JNEC and NLCS.
Since the introduction of Diploma in Surveying in 2014, NLCS has been actively working together in terms of providing timely human resource support. Now with the introduction of Bachelor of Engineering in Surveying and Geoinformatics, JNEC and NLCS have further discussed in reviewing the curriculum to meet the national requirement; and also to meet international standards. Further the MOU signed in May 12, 2015 was further strengthened for joint conference, seminars, professional development and rapport between two.

As part of the visit, the Director visited the infrastructures and laboratories of the college and talked to Surveying students. His visit was to understand the growth and development in the field of surveying and working towards national objectives. At the same time stressed on the importance of possessing skills in order be employable. Further shared about the concerns regarding the quality of graduates to benefit the nation. His visit and interaction left an inspiration, hope for academics to proceed towards the right direction to realize the dynamic national goals.