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JNEC in collaboration with WIPO has successfully conducted 3 consecutive Capacity building workshops Project on Facilitating Transfer of Appropriate Technology in the Kingdom of Bhutan for Community Development through Universities and Research Institutions. The workshop was conducted to equip project members and other participants for the successful development of the Multipurpose Electric Dryer proposed by JNEC.  The first capacity building workshop was conducted from 11th – 12th March 2024 on IP and Patent Information Search Process in Paro and second capacity building workshop from 15th – 16th April 2024 on Patent Information Search & Technology Landscape Reporting in Phuentsholing.

On 27th May 2024, the third capacity building workshop on Business Plan Development & Pitching was held at the Berti White Bellied Heron Ecolodge in Tingtibi, Zhemgang. The event aimed to equip participants with the essential skills needed to develop and effectively pitch business plans, particularly for technology transfer projects. A total of 18 enthusiastic participants attended this session, keen to enhance their entrepreneurial capabilities.

The workshop began with a comprehensive session on preparing business plans for technology transfer projects. Participants were introduced into the “What, Who, where, and Why” of business plan writing. The participants explored what constitutes a robust business plan, identified the key stakeholders such as potential investors, partners, and target customers, and understood the importance of a business plan in securing funding and guiding business development. Additionally, the session emphasised the preparatory steps before drafting a proposal, including understanding the technology’s context, conducting market research, and engaging stakeholders early to gather insights.

The focus shifted to the technology identification process in line with the first and second workshop exercise. Participants were introduced to the use of patent information and technology landscaping as tools to identify relevant technologies. The submitted exercises were shortlisted to 100 papers pertinent to the Multipurpose Electric Dryer Projects from 1000s of patents. This exercise provided them with a comprehensive understanding of the technological landscape, helping them identify gaps and opportunities within their domains.

The workshop then moved to a detailed discussion on the business plan framework, specifically on “Preparing a Proposal.” This segment provided a step-by-step approach to crafting a business plan, addressing key issues, and answering critical questions. Participants learned to create an executive summary, conduct market analysis, outline organisational and management structures, describe their service or product lines, and develop marketing and sales strategies. They also gained insights into formulating funding requests and projecting financial outcomes to demonstrate the potential profitability and sustainability of their businesses.

Another crucial part of the workshop was on presenting a proposal, where participants were introduced to the concepts of value proposition, Business Model Canvas, and pitching a business opportunity. They learned to articulate the unique value their business offers, use the Business Model Canvas to design and challenge their business models, and develop techniques for delivering compelling and persuasive pitches to potential investors or stakeholders.

The interactive mentorship session provided participants with hands-on experience in developing their business plans and preparing their pitch presentations. Guided by experienced mentors, participants engaged in practical exercises, receiving valuable feedback and suggestions for improvement. This hands-on approach ensured that participants could apply the concepts learned in real-world scenarios effectively.

The workshop concluded with the pitching of business ideas by the participants, who were divided into six groups. Each group presented their business ideas, showcasing their understanding and application of the concepts discussed during the training. These presentations reflected the participants’ enhanced skills and confidence in developing and pitching business plans.

The third workshop was resourced by Dr. Tshering Cigay Dorji, National Expert and Mr. Gaurav Jain, International Expert.