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The 15th Convocation of the Royal University of Bhutan for Jigme Namgyel Engineering College was held on 20th May 2024 coinciding with 12th Day of the 4th month of Wood Male Dragon Year. The even was graced by His Excellency Lyonpo Chandra Bdr Gurung, Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport. A total of 252 graduates from Class of 2019-2023 have attended the event. The event was also attended by the local government officials from Samdrup Jongkhar Thromde and Dzongkhag.

The ceremony commenced with a procession of Ku Sung Thukten along with soothing sound of Jaling, Trashi Lebay dancers, Dewathgn Lam, President and Deans followed by the graduating students. The faculty members received the graduates at the entrance of the Convocation Hall. Degrees were conferred by the Chief Guest accompanied by the President of the College. Graduates received their degree/diploma individually from the Chief Guest. The event also featured cultural performances by the current staff and students. These performances added a celebratory atmosphere to the proceedings.

Preceding the convocation, a reception was held in the evening of 19th May in the college CHHOEKHANG. The graduates were offered Trashi Khadhhar by their respective Programme Leaders. This provided opportunity for the graduates to interact with the staff.